Collingwood Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant

Each year schools are required to publish details of their Pupil Premium allocation, details of the main barriers to educational achievement, how they plan to spend the allocation in the current year to address these barriers, how the impact will be measured and when the next review will take place.

Schools must also detail how the previous year's allocation was spent and the impact of the expenditure on the attainment of those pupils for whom the funding was allocated.

How will the money be spent this academic year?

The total amount allocated to the school for the current academic year, 2023 – 2024, is £153, 925. At Collingwood Primary School approximately 43% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium funding which is higher than the national average.

Please click the link below to download a copy of our Pupil Premium Funding statement for the next 3 years which outlines this spending.

Pupil Premium 

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