Collingwood Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust




At Collingwood we want children to enjoy music in their lives whether that grows into learning to play an instrument at a higher standard, singing for pleasure or listening to music to relax. We want all children to have the opportunity to learn different instruments, perform to an audience and feel confident to express themselves in a variety of ways.

We want to expose our children to a wide range of musical genres and we want our children to be able to talk about how this music makes them feel and why.


Our music curriculum in our EYFS exposes children to a range of musical genres and gives them the opportunity to sing and play instruments. In FS1, our children learn and sing songs which have a melody and remember key nursery rhymes by practising on a regular basis. Within adult led sessions and our continuous provision, they have the opportunity to explore a range of percussion instruments

Music units are bespoke to Collingwood.  One unit focuses on singing and composing lyrics and the other unit focuses on listening, appraising and composing music. Each class has a floor book which details their musical learning journey.  All year groups have a weekly whole school singing session and a fortnightly drama and singing lesson, culminating in a performance twice a year at NAPA.

We have a bespoke service from the Hull Music Service who come and work with children in years 5 and 6 to enhance and enrich our music curriculum. With this service, our staff are provided with high quality continuous professional development which ensures progressive teaching.


We want to ensure our children have access to a wide and varied music curriculum which enables them to develop their musical abilities and interests.

Our curriculum is sequenced logically for the progressive development of musical skills and knowledge – skills that are revisited and mastered over time.

We aim to not only teach our children skills to develop their abilities, but to empower children with a wide range of knowledge of different musical genres. Children will then be able to talk about the styles of music they enjoy and why.

We use formative assessment throughout our music units to inform our planning sequence.

Music Lessons

In year 5 and 6, children are given the opportunity to learn an instrument with a music specialist. This year children are learning the glokenspiel with Hull's Music Service. To support our music teaching and provide engaging opportunities for our pupils, we also invite guests into school to perform. Most recently, Hull's Music Service performed a set of instrumentals to each key stage. 

Collingwood Choir

Collingwood choir are given the opportunity to perform in choral competitions with other schools in Hull, along with stand alone performances both in and out of school. Most recently, Collingwood Choir sang Chistmas songs outside St Stephens staged by Tribfest and performed to a public audience

Singing Assemblies

All children accross both key stages take part in a singing assembly once a week, where they learn songs related to the season or important festivals such as harvest. We learn musical terminology and have the opportunity to sing in rounds, solo and as a whole school


We are very lucky at Collingwood to work alongside NAPA (Northern Academy of Performing Arts). Every child from nursery to year 6 learns a song and dance per term rehearsing and building up a routine once a week with a music and dance proffessional. The children then take to the stage at NAPA perfoming both a christmas and summer show in full costume to an audience of family and friends. These shows are certainly a highlight in the Collingwood calendar! 

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